Honeywell V8944B1035 1 1/2 Inch 4/20 Sec. 2 Stg. Natgas
The Honeywell V8944B1035 is a 1-1/2-inch, two-stage natural gas valve designed for precise control in HVAC systems. This valve has a cycle time of 4-20 seconds, allowing for efficient gas flow control. This valve, which is commonly found in furnaces, boilers, and other heating equipment, regulates the flow of natural gas to the burner, thereby adjusting the heat output accordingly. The valve's two-stage functionality allows it to modulate between high and low gas flow rates, resulting in optimal heating control and efficiency. The Honeywell V8944B1035 valve improves HVAC system performance by ensuring accurate and responsive gas flow regulation, which optimizes comfort levels while reducing energy consumption. Its long-lasting construction and dependable operation help HVAC systems last longer and function more reliably.