Shipping & Returns

Have you ordered the wrong part(s) or need to return your items?

  • Be assured your convenience is our priority. We made your return process hassle-free with our 30-day easy return policy
  • If you receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect product, then you can replace or return the product within 30 days.
  • Your 30-day return period starts from the date of purchase.
  • Returns will not be accepted for:
  • Items over 30 days old.
  • Parts that have been installed.


Short shipments and damaged parts should be reported to PartsHnC within 3 business days of package receipt.

Defective and non-working condition parts must be reported with 5 business days.

  • You can submit your return request from your account or using the link in the footer if you are a guest buyer or Call on customer support number (866) 773-0907, or email us at [email protected] for any queries regarding the return process.
  • Clearly mention the reason for your return while you are filling in the details.
  • You will receive a return authorization number (RAN), after validation of your reason. RMA number that must be mentioned on the shipping box (Ex: RMA#1234).
  • Once the RMA number is provided, the part must reach us within 15 days.
  • Original invoices, and receipts must accompany all parts returns. 
  • Shipping and handling amounts are not included in the refund. You will get a refund only for the product price.
  • Refunds will be processed with in 72 hours of the product being received in the warehouse. 
  • In case customer wanted to cancel the order before shippment, There will be an adjusting fee of up to 6% for payment gateway charges.
  • PartsHnC has complete authority over whether an item may be returned, exchanged, or ordered canceled.
  • There will be a 10% restocking fee from 1 to 10 days, and 20% restocking fee from 11 to 30 days on returns. No restocking fee on defective products or our shipping errors.
  • Freight needs to be prepaid by the customer and will be reimbursed ONLY for defective products and PartsHnC shipping errors.
  • Refunds will be processed to the original payment method used for placing the order.
  • In case any of the return instructions are not followed refund may be denied completely or incrase the restocking fee case to case.
  • All our shippings and delivery happens only on business days (Monday to Friday) excluding holidays.
  • All warranties are valid for replacement only, not for refunds or repairs.

Customer Service: (866) 773-0907

Open - Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm CT


Live Chat Support

Open - Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm CT


All our shippings and delivery happens only on business days (Monday to Friday) excluding holidays.

Same day shipping cut-off time will be 3PM CST


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